Welcome to our Conference Page, showing you all the updates and presentations from the days Event. This year we focussed on our key Workforce Plan Priorities - Staff Health and Wellbeing, Recruitment and Retention and Growth and Development. Please take some time to watch some of our Conference Presentations, and explore opportunities across our partnership services that could benefit you and your team.
This was our first Conference in 4 years, and it was great to see people all together again, if you were unable to attend this one, please keep an eye out for our next date.
ACHSCP Conference 2024 Video
Conference Video
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Conference Feedback
Please take 10 - 15 minutes to fill in your responses to the Networking Questions that are posed on the Conference Day. If you attended we would like also hear your feedback from the event.
Values Session
Please find attached a summary of the Values session write up from the ACHSCP conference on 29th Feb 2024.
We are keen to have as much feedback as possible about how you feel valued at work. This is your opportunity to have your say, even if you were not able to attend the conferernce.
Please use the QR code in the PPT slides or the link below, to give us your feedback on how you feel valued at work.
Strategic Overview Presentations
Work with us - Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership
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Main Conference Presentations
Aberdeen City Vaccination and Wellbeing Hub
Aberdeen City Vaccination and Wellbeing Hub Presentation
Aberdeen City Vaccination and Wellbeing Hub Presentation Video