We are delighted to present for consultation Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership’s Strategic Plan for 2022 to 2025.
The plan has been co-produced with community representatives and is the result of a year long engagement process closely aligned to consultation activity with our statutory partners in developing the refreshed Community Planning Aberdeen’s Local Outcome Improvement Plan and NHS Grampian’s Plan for the Future. Our aim is to provide a high level overview of the strategic aims and direction of the work of the partnership over the next three years to address the specific challenges we face in Aberdeen, improving the health and wellbeing of our residents and working collaboratively with them, and with our partners to achieve this.
We would welcome any feedback or comment you may have on the plan in advance of it being presented to our Integration Joint Board in June for final approval.
The final date we can accept comments is now Monday 4th April. Please email your comments to ACHSCPData@aberdeencity.gov.uk. Thank you.