The NHS Grampian Health Protection team, currently collate and issue a weekly bulletin for care homes.
The updates and guidance contained with the bulletins, are based on the weekly support group Teams meetings, that the Health Protection Nurse Specialists hold with care home managers.
Health Protection Weekly Bulletin>
Week 21 June
HPT 7th June>
Health Protection Weekly Bulletin >
Week 31 May
Health Protection Weekly Bulletin>
week 24 May
Health Protection Weekly Bulletin>
Week 10 May
Health Protection Weekly Bulletin>
Week 3 May
Health Protection Weekly Bulletin>
Week of 5th April 2021
Focus on Wellbeing Webinar Programme>
Open with Care. Supplementary Information>
Health Protection Weekly Bulletin>
Week 01/03/2021
Health Protection Weekly Bulletin>
Week of 21 February 2021
Health Protection Weekly Bulletin>
Week of 15 February
Health Protection Weekly Bulletin>
Week of 1 February 21
Health Protection Weekly Bulletin >
Week of 25 January 21
Health Protection Weekly Bulletin>
Week of 18 January
Health Protection Weekly Bulletin>
Week of 11 January 21
Health Protection Weekly Bulletin >
Week of 4 January 21
Health Protection Weekly Bulletin >
Week of 28 December