Covid-19: information for providers

Here is a one-stop source of reliable information for our service providers, which we will update regularly. Please check it on a daily basis and circulate the link to this page widely within your organisations so that staff can use it too. The information provided here will be updated by 5.30pm Mon-Fri.

A reminder to managers and staff to be extra vigilant in terms of PPE and social distancing at all times within the workplace. If services have staff working who may be in a high risk category, for example students, please ensure extra vigilance.

I would also like to request that managers remind all staff of their professional responsibilities in adhering to current guidance measures when not in work.

Three Classic COVID-19 Symptoms

As a reminder, the three classic COVID-19 symptoms in line with NHS Inform advice are:

  • Loss in sense of taste or smell
  • A new, continuous, cough. This means coughing for longer than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours. If you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual.
  • A high temperature/fever – that is, above 38C

Health & Social Care Staff (and their household members) experiencing any of the three classic symptoms, should seek a PCR test.

Update to the National Infection Prevention and Control Manual COVID-19 addenda on physical distancing in Health and Social Care

Letter to social care services re COVID-19 physical distancing measures 01-09-2021

COVID-19 Information - “A Toolbox of Resources"

This information toolbox has been designed to equip you with all the information and resources you need to support your community and organisation to access testing, vaccination and support. As well as information on how to access posters and request Lateral Flow Tests for your organisation or community space.

Myth Busting - Covid-19 Vaccine

The following short document has been created to help you answers the myths that are arising relating to the Covid-19 vaccination

Covid-19 Vaccination - Staff Handbook

This handbook is for the use of staff to support service-users and clients to access the Covid-19 vaccination. Inside you will find information which will support you to encourage the uptake of the vaccination including information regarding transport, re-booking/missed appointments and support for those with learning difficulties and anxiety.

Health Protection Weekly Bulletins: Care Homes

The NHS Grampian Health Protection team, currently collate and issue a weekly bulletin for care homes.

Click here to view the weekly bulletins

Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infections

(ARHAI) Scotland– monthly updates

ARHAI (Scotland) are providing monthly Rapid Reviews of the literature in relation to Covid -19.

Click here to view the monthly updates

TURAS Care Management (Daily Safety Huddle Template)

The TURAS Care Management (Daily Safety Huddle) is now in place for all of our registered care homes, and the old method of reporting has now stopped. You must report by 12pm every day, and additionally escalate any urgent requests by email to

 Providers Briefing - Safety Huddle Tool (9th October 2020)

For more support from the NES TURAS Care Management Team:

Contact email

NHS Grampian Covid-19 Information

Click here to access the NHS Grampian COVID-19 website

National Wellbeing Hub

The central theme of the National Wellbeing Hub is: You look after us so we’ll look after you

The wide-ranging content is aimed at encouraging everyone in health and social care services, wherever they work, and unpaid carers, to look after themselves and seek help seek when they need it.

It contains information on (evidence-based) resources to enable self-care and the most comprehensive information on services available (e.g. helplines, peer support) at national, regional and local levels.

A number of key resources (free for health and social care workers) are available on the National Wellbeing Hub, including apps and online programmes:

  • Sleepio (click to access the evidence based sleep improvement programme)
  • Daylight (click to access ways of improving general wellbeing)
  • Silvercloud (click to access a structured programme based on CBT focusing on supporting your wellbeing, including managing your mental health, resilience, stress and sleep. Use code NHS2020)

For more info, follow @PRoMISScot @scotgovhealth on Twitter

COVID-19 - Vaccination

Escalations for Non-Residential Providers

In December 2020, taking into consideration feedback received and in collaboration with sector representatives, the decision was taken to re-instate the online Microsoft Form daily reporting method.

We reviewed and amended the form to make it as easy as possible for completion, whilst ensuring it still captures all the required information to ensure appropriate supports were in place.

The link to the form is as follows:

Non-Residential Daily Huddle Form

The purpose of this form is for Non-Residential Providers to report the COVID - 19 status of clients and staff, and to also highlight any staffing levels of concern.

The details from the completed forms are then transferred into a daily report, which is shared with the multi-agency Non-Residential Assurance Group. This ensures we have an accurate and up-to-date picture across the city, whilst also alerting us to any trends or areas in which further support is required.


To highlight any urgent PPE requirements / issues, please email

Urgent PPE requirements are categorised as follows:


AMBER: 3 – 7 days supply of PPE available

RED: less than 3 supply of PPE available

When emailing, please state the RAG status and any relevant information, including name, email address and contact details.  You will then be contacted by the most appropriate member of the Aberdeen City Health & Social Care team.


Should urgent support be required over the weekend, the following Out of Hours Services should be contacted:




Call: OOH Community Nursing

01224 655518

Call: OOH Social Work

0800 7315 520

Expanded Testing

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Non-Residential Staff COVID-19 LFD Testing Guidance

Non-Residential Staff COVID-19 LFD Testing Guidance

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Care At Home Staff COVID-19 PCR Testing Guidance

Care At Home Staff COVID-19 PCR Testing Guidance


The method of reporting on staff testing has transferred over to the TURAS Care Management system. As of 9th October, this is now the only reporting method required to be completed.

The TURAS Care Management staff screening form should be updated on a daily basis, and saved as a draft. The form will only allow users to save as a draft until the Sunday of the week. This is to assist with accidental early form submissions.

Completed forms must be submitted before noon on the Monday.

The reporting week now runs from Monday to Sunday.

Staff who previously tested positive for Covid-19, are exempt from being re-tested during the weekly cycles, for a period of 90 days (from their initial illness onset).

You are also reminded to have clear social distancing practices in place for all staff, especially when they are not wearing PPE and on breaks. You should clearly indicate these requirements to staff on a regular basis, including the use of good hand hygiene.

Details on the process for staff testing can be found on the flowchart and national guidance documents below, which include weblinks for requesting and recording test kits.

How to perform Lateral Flow Testing - TURAS Learn website

Care home visitor Lateral Flow Device Testing 14th December 2020

Guidance on Asymptomatic Staff Testing (27th October 2020)

Testing for Symptomatic Staff or their Household Contacts

  • Staff DO NOT ATTEND WORK if have any of the three “classic” symptoms of fever (≥37.8°C), new continuous cough, or a loss of taste or smell.
  • Symptomatic staff should book a test via NHS Grampian.
  • If any of the household contacts of health and care staff have the three “classic” symptoms of fever (≥37.8°C), new continuous cough, or a loss of taste or smell COVID 19 symptoms they should be tested via this route as well.
  • This link will take you to the Staff Covid-19 Testing Form

Please provide relevant details on your email, including Name, Contact Number, Symptoms start date, and work area/job title.

Testing Update for Staff Who Cannot Drive 

  • Staff testing will include a community testing facility.
  • A team member can visit people at home for those who cannot drive.
  • NHS, HSCP, Social Care Providers, Care Home, Care at Home - children and adults - send forms as usual to the NHS email address.

Additional Information

National hub staff surveillance PCR testing –

  • If a result comes back inconclusivestaff should simply re-join the following week’s surveillance testing. Please advise staff of this.
  • If the staff member remains asymptomatic – there is NO requirement for the staff member to be re-tested by another route, other than their LFD tests, in the interim.

Repurposing of Prescription-Only Medicines (PoMs)

Care Home Visiting

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Open with Care: Supporting Meaningful Contact in Care Homes

Supplementary information: Answers to practical questions and concerns


COVID-19: Donning and doffing of Personal Protective Equipment in Health and Social Care Settings

Please note, embedded YouTube Content is only available on acceptance of 'Social Media' cookies.

Information for Learning Disability Teams

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Covid -19 Vaccine

February 2021

National/Regulator Updates