Keep Growing Aberdeen Project (KGA) evaluation report

Mon 8 Feb 2021

The Keep Growing Aberdeen Project (KGA) evaluation report sets out the evidence for the impact of
food growing as a model for community food resilience and mental health toolbox during a global

It also outlinesthe impact of KGA as part of a broader food growing strategy. The Aberdeen
city food growing strategy 2020-2026 aims to provide everyone in the City to grow their own food
and promote the benefits of food growing, healthy foods, and a quality environment across the city.
This supports the strategic plans of the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership (ACHSCP):

  • Prevention, resilience, communities and connection (AHSCP 2019-2022)
  • A Healthier Future-Scotland’s Diet and Healthy Weight Delivery Plan (Scottish Government

The report presents a full and transparent account of the processes, learning, and perceived impact of the KGA project on the health and wellbeing of individuals who were shielding, self-isolating and young families during the pandemic (lockdown). Data from interview and questionnaire show that there were positive impacts of KGA project across several mental health indicators as shown below.