ACHSCP Carers Strategy Review - Engagement Survey

Fri 26 Nov 2021

Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership is currently reviewing how we best support Carers of all ages in Aberdeen. We are due to publish a Strategy in May 2022. 

A Carer is;-

  • “an individual who provides or intends to provide care for another individual/s (the “cared-for person”)”
  • A “Young Carer” is someone who is under the age of 18, or over 18 but still at school.
  • An “Adult Carer” is someone who is 18 years old or over and not a Young Carer.

Before drafting the strategy, we want to gather the views and experiences of Carers that care for people within Aberdeen City.  We will also review recent, relevant engagements we have done with carers which answer the questions in this survey.  We will compile and analyse all of this information.  The findings from this work will influence the draft of the strategy which will go out to public consultation in early 2022.

We know how busy you are and would be most grateful if you could spend a few minutes completing this survey link here.

Please contact if you require any additional information relating to this. 

Many Thanks for your engagement and cooperation.