What does Keep Learning mean?
Try something new or rediscover and old interest. Keeping your mind active and engaged has great benefits! Continued learning through life enhances self-esteem and encourages social interaction and a more active life.
Are you a member of Aberdeen City Library?
They are still open for business and you can log in to access books, online resources and much more.
The Open University have courses from History, The Arts, Languages, Nature, the list is endless and Free! So why not learn something new today.
Museums offer a virtual tour. Enjoy a tour of some of the world’s most interesting museums without leaving your sofa.
University of the Third Age
At its heart, the U3A believe that continuing to learn, develop your interests, make friends and try something new, is a life-long passion.
Ability Net
If you wanted help with using your mobile phone or computer, then why not get in touch with Ability Net. They offer a free of charge technology service to anyone either 55 and over or anyone with a disability/medical condition and can help with any computer/smart phone/getting online questions you may have.
Telephone. 0800 269 545
Silver City Surfers is a small local charity which aims to help older people with modern technology for those aged over 55 within the City of Aberdeen and the North East of Scotland.