
What does Give mean?

Give time to yourself and others. Thank someone, smile and give words of encouragement. Look out as well as in and see yourself and your happiness as linked to the wider community you live in.

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A day in the life of...Yoga!

Yoga wanted to share with you all her new daily routine that has helped her to keep well and stay positive!


1. First thing in the morning after waking up I am grateful that I am still alive.
2. After my abluYoga texttions I drink 2 mugs of warm water to re hydrate my cells in the body after a good night's sleep.
3. I do some Pilates/Yoga/ Stretches to warm up and strengthen the various muscles and also get the circulation going in my body. Link to get active page
4.I do deep breathing exercises for the air circulation in my lungs.
Link to breathing/relaxation video or app.
Please do not push yourself too much first start with small steps.
5.I do silent sitting to clear my mind.
6. Breakfast which is a bowl of porridge with almonds and raisins.
7. I do the laundry and dry the clothes outside and then potter around in the garden. Listen to the birds singing and be one with Nature.
8.I do Sudoku, crossword watch the programme Countdown on channel 4 at 2.10pm.
9.I do watch the news to keep me up to date with current affairs.
10.I have tried out various recipes that I got from the internet.
11. My Family ' face time'' and I am able to see my grandchildren.

This the time where we have to thank the NHS staff working in all capacity, Supermarket staff, Pharmacies and all in the essential services for looking after the wellbeing of all of us. We have to be grateful for what we have and are able to do.