Specialist Older Adults & Rehabilitation Services provide integrated health and social care services related to Rehabilitation and Geriatric Medicine, the services and areas that they cover are:
Geriatric Medicine
The consultant lead service practises a holistic approach to managing complex, frail, older adults. This specialty consists of Specialist Older Adult Rehabilitation & Continuing Care In-patient services at Woodend Hospital. The specialty is staffed by a multidisciplinary team of Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Nursing, Speech & Language Therapists, Dieticians, Medial Staff and Administrators.
The specialty also provides all Medical staff within the Acute Geriatric Service based at Foresterhill Health Campus. Furthermore this specialty provides Out-patient and community services including the following teams:
- Community Geriatric Nurses (CGN’s)
- Acute Care at Home
- Parkinson’s Nurses
Redesign of a Frailty Pathway in a Scottish Integrated Care Setting
People, especially older populations, remain fitter and healthier the longer they remain at home when safe and appropriate to do so. Outcomes for many people following even a short stay in hospital can be negatively impacted. It makes sense that we try to provide more services in people’s homes and communities, when safe and appropriate to do so, which is what people tell us they would prefer to a hospital admission.
Over the past 2 years, we have been working hard to deliver improvements to our services which provide care for people living with Frailty. This involved major changes to how we deliver our services. In redesigning our Frailty Pathway, we moved staff and resources from the hospital to our community teams (Hospital at Home; Rosewell House; and our community teams).
Find out more about some of them in this short video
Any enquiries, please contact - ACHSCPEnquiries@aberdeencity.gov.uk
Redesign of a Frailty Pathway in a Scottish Integrated Care Setting
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Rehabilitation Medicine
This specialty covers Grampian-wide Specialist Rehabilitation consisting of In-patient services at Woodend Hospital for Stroke, Orthopaedic, Prosthetic and Neurological Rehabilitation. The specialty is staffed by a multidisciplinary team of Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Nursing, Speech & Language Therapists, Dieticians, Medial Staff and Administrators.
Furthermore this specialty provides Out-patient and Community services including the following teams:
- Supported Discharge Team
- Posture and Movement Services
- Community Rehabilitation Nurses (CRN’s)

Mobility & Rehabilitation Service (M.A.R.S.)
Wheelchair Service
The Wheelchair Service provides wheelchairs and specialist seating to individuals with a permanent disability that affects their mobility including a maintenance service for existing users. The Service covers the Grampian area as well as the Orkney and Shetland Islands. The Service is staffed by a multidisciplinary team of Occupational Therapists, Bioengineers, Technicians, Physiotherapists and Administrator.

Prosthetics & Orthotics Service
Prosthetic Service
The Prosthetic Service covers Grampian, Orkney and Shetland and provides a clinical and technical service to people who have limb loss. The Service is staffed by a multidisciplinary team of Prosthetists, Rehabilitation Technicians, Administrators, Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, and Nursing support, with input from Rehabilitation and Orthopaedic Consultants.
Orthotic Service
The Orthotic Service covers the whole Grampian area and provides a clinical and technical service, specialising in bio-engineering solutions for people who require lifelong solutions for neuromuscular and skeletal problems. The Service is staffed by Orthotists, Rehabilitation Technicians, Administrators and Nursing support.

Horizons Rehabilitation Centre
Horizons Rehabilitation Centre provides an assessment and therapeutic rehabilitation service for individuals (aged 16 to 65) across Grampian with complex needs, whose disability requires a multi-disciplinary approach. Support is given to people with many different conditions, in particular those of a neurological nature, such as head injury, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and stroke.

Craig Court
Providing specialist expertise to someone who has suffered a serious incident such as a stroke or brain injury. This service offers service users highly specialist support in order to reclaim as much independence as possible.
Hospital Social Work
The Hospital Social Work team provides a comprehensive and specialist social work service to both Aberdeen Royal Infirmary and Woodend Hospital. The team provides the full range of community care assessment and care planning to support individuals who require assistance on discharge from hospital. In addition, the team discharges the full range of social work statutory duties relating to carer support; adults with incapacity legislation; and adult support and protection inquiries