Mental Health & Learning Disability Service provide integrated health and social care services to all Localities within Aberdeen City. These Services include:
Learning Disabilities Services
The Learning Disabilities Team support families and carers and are located in at the Len Ironside Centre, Mastrick Drive, Aberdeen. The service is committed to integrated working and providing a range of person centred services to promote and support independent living. Further support is provided around housing, care at home, residential care, respite, supported living and a modern specialised day service at the Len Ironside Centre.
A’thegither in Aberdeen is our Learning Disability strategy.
Our strategy shows the vision we have for people with Learning Disabilities in Aberdeen City. Our goal is that people with a Learning Disability are:
- Connected to their communities
- Feel valued for their contributions and abilities
- Supported to maintain or improve their health and wellbeing
We have developed an action plan which details the specific actions we will undertake to achieve this goal. You can see the action plan here.

Substance Misuse
The Integrated Alcohol Service and Integrated Drug Service offer help, support and treatment to individuals who have problems relating to alcohol & drug use and dependence. The teams offer assessment for treatment and support including mental health assessments. The Teams have doctors, nurses, social workers and support workers. The Teams also provide support with minimising harm, understanding risks and overall health and wellbeing.
The Integrated Alcohol Service is based in the McRobin Centre at Royal Cornhill Hospital. The Integrated Drug Service is based at Timmer Market, East North Street, Aberdeen.
Aberdeen Autism strategy
We have revised our local Autism strategy and action plan.
The new strategy and action plan runs from 2019 to 2022 and is a strategy for all age groups across Aberdeen City.
The strategy reiterates the vision of the Scottish Strategy for Autism and the action plan focussed on meaningful and sustainable changes to improve outcome for autistic people in Aberdeen City.
You can view the strategy and action plan here.

Market Position Statements
These documents have been developed in co-production to outline our vision and expectations, and support commissioning of services for people with mental health and learning disabilities. The Market Position Statements (MPS) provide detail on current need and predicted future need, existing service delivery and future service developments.
There are currently 2 Market Position Statements in operation within Aberdeen City.
Mental Health and Learning Disability Residential and Supported Living Accommodation Services Market Position Statement
This document is based upon a range of outcomes and aims to support and promote the rights of people within accommodation-based services
Complex Care Market Position Statement
This document has been specifically developed to communicate Complex Care needs and the types of support and environments that will be needed within Aberdeen City.
Mental Health Services
Mental Health assessment and treatment services are provided by Community Mental Health Teams which are primarily based at Royal Cornhill Hospital, with additional support to people in their own homes, including care homes and supported accommodation. Each team may comprise Consultant Psychiatrist, Community Mental Health Nurses and Support Workers, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists, Social Workers and admin staff.
Adult Mental Health - Mental Health Specialist Care and Treatment is provided to all adults aged between 18 – 65 years in Aberdeen City by the Adult Community Mental Health Teams. This includes mental health assessment, care and treatment which is delivered in a way that takes account of both health and social care needs.
Older Adult Mental Health - Mental Health Specialist Care and Treatment is provided to all older adults aged 65 years and over in Aberdeen City by the Older Adult Community Mental Health Teams. The service provides mental health assessment, care and treatment to people, including those who are experiencing difficulties with their memory or have a diagnosis of dementia. Services are delivered in a way that takes account of both health and social care needs.
All Community Mental Health Teams aim to work in partnership with people who are using the service to deliver person centered care and treatment in a manner which will always value, respect and listen to the individual. The aim is always to promote personal recovery, independence and improve quality of life and this will often involve working with and supporting the families and carers alongside the person experiencing mental health issues.
Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership are pleased to launch our Community Mental Health Delivery Plan, Promoting Good Mental Health.
The Delivery Plan details our vision for community-based Mental Health services for adults and how we will achieve this vision through a range of 15 actions over the next 3 years until 2023.
Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership is currently reviewing its Dementia Strategy, which will be the 3rd version, in line with the 3rd national dementia strategy.
National Dementia Strategy 2017-2020 - Link Here
Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership is currently developing a Mental Health & Wellbeing Delivery Plan which will set out broad strategic outcomes for the development of Community Mental Health Services in Aberdeen City. Support to people experiencing poor mental health will be designed and delivered in ways that:
- Promotes recovery, wellbeing and self-management.
- Offers flexible, tailored and co-ordinated support to those receiving services.
- Minimises the potential for stigma associated with poor mental health.
- Is safe, effective and person centred.
- Meets the personal outcomes of carers and enables them to continue in their care role if they wish to do so.
Community Mental Health Delivery Plan – Link here
Mental Health (Care & Treatment) Act 2003: - Link here
Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000:- Link Here
The Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007: - Link here