Locality Empowerment Groups (LEGs) are local people interested in improving the quality of life for people living in Aberdeen. Members use their own knowledge and experiences to influence priorities and help determine solutions. There are groups for Central, North and South of Aberdeen but we also focus on needs that may be Citywide e.g. sharing your experience as a person living with a disability. There are also Priority Neighbourhoods which focus on areas of the City which experience the greatest disadvantage, when you get in touch we can let you know which group would be best for you.
Are you enthusiastic about improving your community?
Aberdeen is made up of a diverse population and we want to ensure all ages and communities get involved, therefore we particularly welcome minority groups.
If you would like to get involved please email LocalityPlanning@aberdeencity.gov.uk with your name, address and first part of your postcode so we can ensure you are given the details of your local group.
Find all the information you need on our Local Empowerment Group leaflet.
After the Local Empowerment Groups had been running for 6 months we asked members for feedback and produced a 6-month easy read evaluation report.

Community Planning Aberdeen
The Locality Empowerment Groups (LEGs) are an integral part of Community Planning Aberdeen's vision to work together with communites to improve places for those who live there and ensure Aberdeen is a place where all people can prosper.
Community Planning Aberdeen, sometimes reffered to as "CPA", is the name for your local partnership of public, private and third sector organisations and communities all working together to improve people’s lives across Aberdeen City.
You can read about progress in delivering on the integrated approach to locality planning for communities in Community Planning Aberdeen's Annual Report 2022-23
You can view more information at Community Planning Aberdeen