Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership (ACHSP) provide services tailored to the needs of local communities in the three Aberdeen City localities of North, South and Central Aberdeen .
Each of the three ACHSCP localities includes an Aberdeen Community Planning Partnership priority locality – and the three localities are aligned with existing city neighbourhoods, which are Aberdeen’s natural communities.
Locality Empowerment Groups
Locality Empowerment Groups (LEGs) are local people interested in improving the quality of life for people living in Aberdeen. Members use their own knowledge and experiences to influence priorities and help determine solutions. There are groups for Central, North and South of Aberdeen.
Find out more on the Locality Empowerment Group page

Current Locality Information
North Locality
The North Locality is made up of 14 defined neighbourhood areas including Dyce, Bucksburn, Danestone, Kingswells, Summerhill and Northfield.
Locality Plans
The Aberdeen City Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) is underpinned by Locality Plans in each area. Here is:
10am-11:30am, Wednesday 29 November 2023 at Dyce Community Centre
Central Locality
The Central Locality is made up of 14 defined neighbourhoods including: Tillydrone, Woodside, City Centre, Ashgrove, Rosemount and West End.
Locality Plans
The Aberdeen City Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) is underpinned by Locality Plans in each area. Here is:
Via Microsoft Teams
To access the meeting please use the log in information below:
Meeting ID: 387 780 363 675
Passcode: ATxDCv
Or call in (audio only)
+44 20 7660 8306,,160341168# United Kingdom, London
Phone Conference ID: 160 341 168#
South Locality
The South Locality is made up of 9 defined neighbourhood areas including Culter, Hazlehead, Garthdee, Torry and Cove.
Locality Plans
The Aberdeen City Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) is underpinned by Locality Plans in each area. Here is:
10:30am-12pm, 13 December 2023
via Microsoft Teams
To access the meeting, please use the log in details below:
Meeting ID: 314 532 529 454
Passcode: H6KXcX
Or call in (audio only)
+44 20 7660 8306,,116651957# United Kingdom, London
Phone Conference ID: 116 651 957#