Central Locality has the largest population of the four localities in the Health and Social Care Partnership at 82,000 (36%). It is mainly urban yet retains multiple areas of green space including local allotments, Northfield and Hilton outdoor sports centres, Victoria Park and Westburn Park and tennis courts. Transition Extreme and the harbour area are all within the boundary of the Central Locality.
The locality encompasses multiple distinct neighbourhood areas including Hanover, Rosemount, Tillydrone, Midstocket, Hilton, Northfield and Mastrick, each with their own sense of identity. Two of the three locality partnerships formed by Community Planning Aberdeen (CPA) in 2016 are within Central Locality. These two partnerships include the neighbourhoods of Woodside and Tillydrone, along with Seaton which is in the North Locality; and Heathryfold, Cummings Park, Mastrick, Middlefield and Northfield. The eight neighbourhoods that are part of the CPA locality partnerships each have higher concentrations of multiple deprivation according to the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD). To learn more about the Central Locality please click on the below document.
Locality Plans
The partnership is required to involve representatives of a locality in decisions or changes that are likely to significantly affect service provision in the area. To help achieve this, Locality Leadership Groups (LLGs) have been established in all of our four localities within Aberdeen City. The role of the LLG includes developing and ensuring appropriate connections and partnerships across the locality to improve the health and wellbeing of the locality population and reduce the health inequalities that we know impact negatively on people’s lives. The group works with services and communities and has a direct line of communication to the strategic planning group of the ACHSCP.