Stay Independent

Stay Independent



Stay safe at home

Stay safe online


Bon Accord Care

Community Adult Assessment and Rehabilitation Service (CARRS)



Carers support services






Stay safe at home


Aberdeen Care & Repair

Aberdeen Care & Repair provide advice and practical help to people aged 60 and over, people with disabilities and people with long-term health conditions, to allow them to continue to live in their own homes as independently as possible.

Aberdeen Care and Repair are open Monday- Friday, 9:30am - 12pm and 1pm - 3pm. They offer services to residents of Aberdeen City, including social housing tenants, plus free advice and practical help with things like:

  • Home Repairs
  • Home Improvements
  • Adaptations
  • Safety and Security Measures
  • Heating
  • Home Safety

If you would like to contact Aberdeen Care and Repair, you can email them or call 01224 251133.

Stay Safe Online


AbilityNet – Feel safe at home online

AbilityNet has a number of free services, resources and webinars to help older people stay safe online and learn how to get the best out their digital device.

AbilityNet are open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm, and can provide IT (information technology) support at home and online for older people and people with disabilities of any age with their technology.  

If you would like to contact AbilityNet, you can email them or call 0800 0487642 

Bon Accord Care


Bon Accord Care 

Community Support at Home Services

Bon Accord Care provide a range of community-based services in Aberdeen to help you remain independent in your own home. The services provided include:

  • Care at home, including the community meals service and community alarm responder service, to meet your personal care and support needs
  • Occupational Therapy (OT), enablement, equipment, and telecare services, so you can be independent and safe at home
  • Wellbeing activities and information, to keep you as well as possible and to combat social isolation



What is Telecare?

Telecare is a range of technology that can be used to help people live independently at home. Having Telecare devices in your home can support you, and the people who may provide your care. Telecare will give you and your family peace of mind and reassurance that help will be summoned quickly when needed.

A community alarm is an alarm which is linked to a 24hr control centre. When activated the operator at the control centre will speak to you through the alarm and get you the help you need. Telecare is a range of equipment and sensors in addition to the community alarm, which will automatically activate to alert the appropriate response e.g. fire, medication, hard fall.

Telecare sensors can be directed to the monitoring centre via the community alarm or linked to a pager for an in-house solution. Having telecare sensors installed means that people can get help no matter where they are within their home, giving confidence and help in living as independently as possible.

Community Alarm and Telecare sensors don’t replace human contact but they do provide an added assurance that if any issues should arise while alone, you can get help easily.

This will give you, your family and friends confidence and reassurance too. Telecare can help people of any age who:

  • Are prone to falling
  • Are vulnerable
  • Have epilepsy
  • Live in supported accommodation
  • Have a family member/carer who needs support
  • Have memory problems because of dementia or head injury
  • Are at risk from environmental threats such as fire, gas and floods
  • Are worried about living alone
  • Have mobility problems

How to access the service. Anyone can refer either themselves or someone they know for a Community Alarm and Telecare by completing an online referral form.

The online form is the quickest way to refer to Bon Accord Care telecare and community alarm service. The service will need the names and contact details for 2- 3 people who are willing to be contacts. We will set up your profile with our control centre and check your contacts are willing to attend in the event of your alarm being activated. If you don’t have any contacts we have a Responder Service who can act as a contact. If you are unable to use this service online, please call 01224 069800.

The Telecare Team are available for advice on equipment and will carry out a further assessment at each visit to ensure that the equipment requested and installed is meeting your needs.

Please note Community Alarm Telecare is a chargeable service. You can find who to contact for advice on financial help and advice in the Stay Informed section of this website.

Occupational therapy at home

We understand that sometimes after illness, getting a bit older or if you have a disability, you may find yourself starting to struggle with everyday tasks.

Bon Accord Care has an occupational therapy service that aims to help you to improve your ability to do everyday tasks if you are finding these difficult. We can help enable you to go about your everyday life more easily, safely and independently.

If you think you might benefit from having some input from our occupational therapy service, you can complete an online referral form on our website.

Alternatively, if you are unable to access an online referral form you can call on 0800 141 2339 and ask for Occupational Therapy.

Community Adult Assessment and Rehabilitation Service (CARRS)



 Provides a range of services from Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy.

The Community Adult Assessment and Rehabilitation Service is available to adults over 16 years old with an Aberdeen city GP, whose illness or injury impacts their ability to carry out daily activities. It is available to people who are unable to access outpatient services and require a service within their own home.

Our aim is to enable people to be as independent as possible by delivering a service which is person centred; working with people to achieve their own goals.

We offer appointments via telephone, virtually or face to face, depending on the identified needs of the person.

Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy

Our Occupational Therapists provide:

  • Rehabilitation programmes based on your goals, helping you to maintain and increase your independence and confidence with daily tasks.
  • Advice on falls risk, prevention and management
  • Practical advice and strategies on memory changes
  • Management of anxiety, fatigue and pain
  • Returning/remaining at work following ill health or injury

Our Physiotherapists provide:

  • Transfer & walking assessment, provision of equipment & walking aids as required.
  • Falls assessment & interventions as required. This may include falls prevention advice, strength & balance work, possible signposting or referral to falls classes.
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation- 1:1 input, virtual or face to face classes.
  • Assessment and input if activity levels are significantly reduced following surgery, illness or a period of time in hospital.

Assessment and treatment of joint and muscle conditions.

As a service we encourage independence and self management whenever possible. We work closely together and in collaboration with our health and social care colleagues.

You can refer yourself to the Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy in the Community Adult Assessment and Rehabilitation Service using our duty telephone number, 01224 538399. You can also get in touch by email.

Community Dietetic team

We are a small team of Dietitians and Dietetic Healthcare Support Workers.  We provide a wide range of services to enable people to stay healthy and live as independently as possible, advising and supporting people on how to prevent and recover from illness.

We have self-help materials and tools available to help people manage different medical conditions but can also see people for individual appointments (either video consultation, in an out-patient setting, a group setting, care home or in their own home where necessary).

We see people of all ages, from babies to older adults.

Most of our clinical consultations require a referral from another member of the health and social care team (this doesn’t have to be a GP), however people with diabetes or those wishing to lose weight can self-refer at the following links


Linking, learning and living with Diabetes in Grampian page has information on:

  • Type 1 Diabetes
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Pre-diabetes
  • Gestational Diabetes
  • Diabetes and other conditions
  • Support groups


Help to lose weight - Healthy Helpings Programme

Information on a range of other clinical conditions such as:

  • Those prone to falling
  • Malnutrition
  • Undernutrition
  • Healthy eating
  • Drinking
  • Specific group conditions

Carers Support Services


Aberdeen Carer Support Services

Do you look after a friend, family member or neighbour who is unable to care for themselves? If so, you are a carer, and we can help.

How can we help?

We are here to help you access the advice, information and support which will help you to continue in your caring role in a way that is best for you. We will work with you on a

co-produced Adult Carers Support Plan that will identify your needs and allow us to work together towards meeting the most appropriate outcomes.

At Quarriers we recognise that every caring situation is different, and every carer is different. You may be caring for a:

  • parent or grandparent
  • son or daughter
  • brother or sister
  • husband, wife or partner
  • relative
  • friend
  • neighbour

There is a wide range of reasons why they may not be able to care for themselves. They might:

  • have a physical or learning disability
  • misuse alcohol or drugs
  • be frail or elderly
  • have mental health problems
  • have a long-term illness

We will work with you to help you prioritise your needs as a carer and, as much as possible, help to reduce your caring role. We can then help you to access the advice, information and support that best meets your needs and the needs of the person you care for.

What we offer

  • Support to work out what help you need

If you are struggling and know you need support but don’t know what would make a difference, we can help.

•        Range of contact methods

You can contact us online or by email or we can meet you in your local community. We are also at the end of a phone if you want to let off steam but don’t want to worry other family members or friends.

•        Advice and information

We provide advice and information on a wide range of resources and community supports that could help you and the person you care for.

•        Peer support

We can work with you on a one-to-one basis or as part of a group. We also run events where you can meet other carers and speak to people in similar situations.

•        Training and development

We offer a range of individual and group training opportunities for carers, to build your knowledge, skills and confidence.

•        Support to have a life out with caring

We will support you to balance your caring role with your own needs. Our unique service looks at the effect caring has on the whole family. By taking time to discuss your situation and understanding each person’s needs, we can identify solutions that will benefit everyone.

If you would like to contact Aberdeen City Carers Support Service, you can email them or call 01224 914036.

Address = Aberdeen City Carers Support Service, 37 Albert Street, Aberdeen,  AB25 1XU

Getting Around - Transport


Getting around

Getting out and about again may seem hard if you have had an illness, a fall or perhaps a stay in hospital but there are things available in the community that are there to help you. Here is some information on a few of the things available in Aberdeen that can help you get around.

Community Transport

This is a door-to-door service within the city for those who are unable to use conventional bus services. Our vehicles are fully wheelchair-accessible, and passengers will be helped onto and off the buses where necessary.

For more information about this service visit the website or call 01224 523765 (Monday to Friday, 9am - 1pm).

Transport to Healthcare

The Transport to Healthcare Information Centre (THInC) provide practical transport advice for people who have difficulty getting to and from medical appointments in Grampian.

The service provides a dedicated telephone service, offering guidance on accessing suitable transport options to get to and from appointments when they have no means of personal transport. The centre can provide details of suitable bus or train times, contact telephone numbers and other services such as local dial-a-bus or voluntary car schemes.

For more information about this service visit the website or call 01467 536111 (Monday to Friday, 9am - 4pm).


Able Deen

In partnership with Shopmobility Aberdeen.

Able Deen is helping to connect the community. The Able Deen service will take our wheelchairs, scooters and volunteers to the four corners of Aberdeen to enable people to access their local services, facilities, shops etc – to be able to shop, to participate, to socialise, to visit places and explore and to volunteer.

The Able Deen service will be able to provide you with the use of mobility equipment, manually-powered wheelchairs, powered scooters and walking frames.

You can also get help from a volunteer companion to provide company and assistance when you are out and about or perhaps you want to visit somewhere quiet to relax and gather your thoughts.

If you would like to contact Able Deen, you can email them or call  01224 254338.

Shopmobility Aberdeen

Shopmobility Aberdeen is a charity whose aim is to increase independence, freedom, self-esteem and choice for people with disabilities.

We are a service dedicated to helping anyone with a mobility difficulty, be it temporary or permanent, who wishes to visit Aberdeen city centre to conduct business, enjoy our many visitor and cultural attractions or to visit the city's wide variety of shops, leisure and business services.

We offer assistance to anyone experiencing a mobility or sensory impairment by providing the loan of a battery-powered scooter, a battery-powered wheelchair or a manual wheelchair to help ease your walking difficulty, and the assistance of a volunteer escort if required.

Shopmobility Aberdeen is about freedom to get about in the city centre.

You do not have to be registered disabled to use the scheme. It is available to those with sport or road accident injuries as well as those with long-term disabilities. The service is open to anyone living in or visiting Aberdeen.

If you would like to contact Shopmobility, you can email them or call  01224 254338

Blue Badge

The Blue Badge Scheme is a national scheme that allows badge-holders to park closer to their destination, but the national concessions apply only to on-street parking. The scheme helps you travel independently, as either a driver or a passenger. Transport Scotland is responsible for the legislation setting out the framework for the scheme and supports local authorities to deliver the scheme.

Blue Badge applications can only be made online. You can grant permission for another individual to apply on your behalf, for example a support worker, friend, or family member. Correspondence can go directly to you or your preferred point of contact.

More information on the eligibility criteria and any supporting documentation that is needed can be found by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.   

Payment is taken at the time of application and the cost is £20 to issue a badge. If your application is declined, you will be refunded via the original payment method.

Housing Options


Housing Options

If you decide that you cannot manage your home any longer and would rather move than adapt it, support is available to help you to consider alternative housing options.

Housing Options are the potential alternative housing choices. These could include social or private renting, home ownership, sheltered or supported housing, a housing-with-care scheme, or even a move to a care or residential home.

Who can help me choose the best housing option for me?

You may be happy working out your best housing option on your own, but if you wish to speak to someone, or need help working out what to do, the council’s Housing Options service can help and an interview can be discussed by calling 03000 200 292.

How can I find out more?

Visit the Find a Home page on the Aberdeen City Council website.

Alternatively, if you feel that you need additional housing support in the form of a residential or nursing home, our care management team can advise you about the best course of action to take. You can contact them on 03000 200 292.

What is These Homes?

These Homes is a Digital Lettings Service, which has been designed to give you improved access to affordable rented properties across Scotland.

There are seven landlords working in partnership using this service. All of the partners will be sharing the same Housing Register and you can apply for any property which suits your needs.

By offering more choice we hope to build more settled communities and give you more say in where you are housed. These Homes is a simple and straightforward way of letting homes which is fair, open and transparent.

Register for These Homes

You must register with These Homes before you can apply for housing.

Completing the registration process will ensure that the landlords can award you any priority should you be eligible. You can also apply for priority after you have registered should your circumstances change.

Once your registration has been approved you will receive confirmation that it is live. You will then be able to apply for properties.

North East Sensory Services (NESS)


North East Sensory Services (or NESS for short) is a fully integrated joint sensory service that delivers support to people who are Deaf or hard of hearing as well as those who we blind or partially sighted.

Our Services include:


Daily Living Aids make day to day tasks simpler


Support with battery replacement, maintenance and cleaning for people who wear NHS-issued hearing aids


Communicate more confidently with others when you have a hearing loss.


Service provides information technology awareness, skills and training for blind, deaf, visually and hearing impaired people.


Providing information, advice and support to patients and their families.


Our specialist support enables people to access relevant employment, education and/or training opportunities.


Social support and activity groups for older people living with a sensory loss, to help reduce social isolation


We have an extensive collection of audio books on CD and cassette tape, and produce three regular audio magazines on CD and memory stick


NESS supports and / or hosts a wide range of clubs and groups which bring people together. Many are delivered by the members themselves, some with the assistance of NESS’ volunteers.

If you would like to contact NESS, you can email them, call  0345 2712345 or text 07593 102004.

Post Diagnostic Support (PDS)


Support for people living with dementia and those who care for them.

Post-diagnostic support for people living with dementia and those who care for them.

The 5 Pillars of Post Diagnostic are:

  1. Understanding illness and managing symptoms - Support to come to terms with dementia and learn about self- management of the illness
  2. Supporting community connections - support to maintain and develop social networks
  3. Peer Support - From other people with dementia, their families and carers to help them come to terms with the illness
  4. Planning for future care – support when they are ready, to plan the shape of their future care from their choices hopes and aspirations which can guide professionals
  5. Planning for future decision making – support to set up power of attorney and deal with other legal issues

If you would like to contact Post Diagnostic Support, you can email them.

Aberdeen Dementia Resource Centre

Alzheimer Scotland
13 - 19 King Street
AB24 5AA

If you want to contact Aberdeen Dementia Resource Centre you can call them on 01224 644077.

Alzheimer Scotland Logo (002).png

Dementia Carers Support

Support is available in person and virtually. Courses are also offered on the realities and lived experiences for those who care for loved ones living with dementia.