Aberdeen City Locality Planning

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What is Locality Planning?

Locality Planning is a term used to describe community planning partners working within a geographical area to plan for and deliver improved outcomes.  This involves the development of a plan which seeks to make things better for the community. The Locality Planning Team believes working with local communities to develop and deliver these plans offers the best chance of success. There are three locality areas in Aberdeen City, in the North, Central, and South of the city. These locality areas are mapped below:


Locality Plans

For each Locality we have developed a plan in partnership with communities to improve outcomes for the area. The locality plans drill down from city wide Local Outcome Improvement Plan to tackle the issues which are of most importance to local communities. It is by doing this that we will ensure no community is left behind in realising our vision of Aberdeen as a place where all people can prosper.

Locality Empowerment Groups and Priority Neighbourhood Partnerships

We have established three Locality Empowerment Groups (LEGs) to help us build connections with the communities we will be working with to plan and deliver improved outcomes for the locality. The Locality Empowerment Groups are open to any community member or representative of a community group/ network living in the area that has an interest in working collectively to improve outcomes for the Locality. 

In addition to the three Locality Empowerment Groups, we will continue to support the Priority Neighbourhood Partnerships (PNPs) formed in 2017. The Locality Empowerment Groups will take an overview of broad issues across the locality area and priority neighbourhood partnerships will focus on the local area that they cover.  It is intended that the groups will be mutually supportive, with the LEGs being able to get involved in a number of cross cutting issues for the area and PNPs taking a lead on tackling the issues unique to their neighbourhood. 

Email localityplanning@aberdeencity.gov.uk to find out more about LEGs and PNPs. Regular updates on locality planning are also posted on social media (ACHSCP Facebook, ACHSCP X, Community Planning Aberdeen Facebook and Community Planning Aberdeen X)

Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP)

“A place where all people can prosper“– remains our collective vision for Aberdeen. Regardless of their background or circumstance, everyone in our great city should enjoy the same opportunities to flourish as an individual. The Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) sets out the means for achieving this. 

Latest News (will cover publications and citywide events)

We are delighted to be supported by our partners at ACVO, the third sector interface. Please visit their website to find out what events are happening across Aberdeen City, and which funding opportunities are available to community groups and organisations.

North Locality

Central Locality

South Locality

Locality Empowerment Groups