Charges FAQs

  • How much will I have to pay? 

This will depend on your income, savings, assets and level and type of service you receive. The amount will be worked out by completing a financial assessment.

  • What if I don’t fill in the form?  

Support can be given to complete form – please ask your allocated worker or duty worker. 

If you do not complete the form, you will be required to pay for the full cost of the care and support provided to you and you will be invoiced accordingly for this. 

  • What if I can’t pay? 

Please speak to your allocated worker. They can talk to you about a referral to our Financial Inclusion Team for a benefits check to make sure that you are claiming everything you are entitled to. 

  • How long will it take to find out how much I need to contribute? 

The finance team are working through the assessments and will write to you with a response when they have processed your assessment which will advise of your individual contribution. 

  • How will I know much I have to pay? 

Chargeable Services are means tested. Consideration will be given to all your income and capital during the assessment.  

A letter will be sent out by the Financial Assessment Team to tell you how much you will have to contribute towards your service based on the outcome of your financial assessment. 

Invoices will be sent out by the finance team and are payable four-weekly. Invoices will be sent to you or your representative directly. 

  • How can I pay my invoice? 

There are a range of payment options – by cheque, by standing order and paying over the phone. All payment options will be listed on the back of your invoice. 

  • What if I disagree with the invoice? 

Please speak to your allocated worker. 

Benefits and money advice 

If you would like any advice on benefits and money, please contact Aberdeen City Council’s Financial Inclusion Team.  Their helpline is open Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. – please call on (01224) 522709.  For more information on benefits and money advice, please click here.