Our Budget

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The Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) delivers community health and social care services across Aberdeen City. The Partnership faces a significant budget gap and anticipates a need to save over £10 million in 2025-26.  

To meet this challenge, the HSCP will have to carefully deliberate how it allocates its limited resources.  Consideration will be given to reducing the number of services that the HSCP provides and associated service standards to enable the HSCP to set a balanced budget. Understanding the views of residents on how ACHSCP should allocate its resource, the impact of potential savings options, and how such impact can be mitigated will be crucial. 


Aberdeen City IJB, as well as all authorities across Scotland, is finding itself navigating more complex challenges, unprecedented pressures and more difficult decisions when it comes to setting a balanced budget. This is evidenced across the country where the projected funding gap for 2023/24 almost tripled, in comparison with the previous year. For those who would like to understand the financial landscape in more depth, this Finance and performance report by the Accounts Commission provides useful, detailed background. 

We have four main sources of income which gives us a total budget of £435 million.

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And this is how we spent our money last year:

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For further background information, please take a look at our Supporting Information document, which provides more detail on the IJB and its budget.