- Jim Currie (Trade Union Representative, ACC) - Register of Interests
- Jamie Donaldson (Partnership Representative, NHSG) Register of Interests
- Amanda Foster (Service User Representative) Register of Interests
- Jennifer Gibb, (Professional Nursing Adviser, NHS Grampian) - Register of Interests
- Christine Hemming (Secondary Care Advisors, NHS Grampian)
- Maggie Hepburn (Third Sector Representative) Register of Interests
- Dr Caroline Howarth (Clinical Director, Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership) - Register of Interests
- Phil Mackie (NHS Deputy Director of Health, NHS Grampian) - Register of Interests
- Kenneth McAlpine (Service User representative) Register of Interests
- Shona McFarlane (Carer Representative) - Register of Interests
- Fiona Mitchelhill (Chief Officer, Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership) - Register of Interests
- Debbie Oyegun (Service User representative)
- Graeme Simpson (Chief Social Work Officer, ACC) - Register of Interests